Vedic Math is a Mathematical system which existed in pre-historic period and originated in India.The system assumed to have been used widely in earlier periods was dormant for several centuries. Vedic Math consists of Sutras and Upasutras otherwise known as Formulas and Corollaries. Using above Sutras and Upasutras, numerical calculations can be done faster and with high degree of accuracy than the conventional methods that are taught in present Educational Institutions…


Vedic mathematics is a prehistoric mathematical system that existed centuries before in the Vedic period. Vedas are scriptures containing spiritual and material knowledge applicable in everyone’s daily life and helps in social and self-upliftment.Vedic Mathematical system existed in Atharva Veda .This Mathematical system was dormant for several centuries. The present Vedic Mathematical system is the finding of SWAMI BHARATHIKRISHNA TIRTHAJI (1925-1960) of Govardana Mutt, Puri, India. Swami Bharathi Krishna Tirtaji was a renowned scholar, who got revelation about Vedic Maths while studying Vedas, the ancient scriptures. He studied in depth the Stapathya Veda, a sub-Veda of Atharva Veda and found 16 Sutras and 13 Upastras of Vedic Math. The application of the above sutras in all mathematical calculations was established by Swamiji. His learning’s, usage and application of Vedic Math were presented in 16 volumes of books. He went around the world propagating Vedic Math. But, by the time he returned all his works perished. It is assumed that a fire which broke out engulfed all his work. With renewed energy Swamiji wanted to re- write his findings. His ill-health during his sunset years became a constraint for him to proceed with his work. With the help of his disciples he could contribute only one book on Vedic Math called “VEDIC MATHEMATICS” before he attained mahasamadhi in 1960 .The book which describes the 16 Sutras and 13 Upasutras and its application remains as a master text for studying and teaching Vedic Mathematics globally.


Many scholars around the world got attracted towards Vedic Math because of its speed, accuracy and its application in all fields. Today Vedic Math is taught world wide. Forums of Vedic Math are there in most parts of the world. In many countries like UK, Vedic Math is taught as part of curriculum. Numbers (1 to 9)and zero were the contribution to the world by Indian Mathematician, few centuries before. This helped to enhance the Industrial revolution and social enhancement in 18th century . Vedic Math has its unique features of giving one line answers, with high speed and accuracy for all types of calculations. This makes Vedic Math study interesting and fun and hence many call it a MAGIC MATH OR ONE LINE MATH. It helps students to overcome Math phobia and bring Academic Excellence. Vedic Math is used in all Scientific, Engineering, Space, and other research fields for doing tough calculations with SPEED AND ACCURACY.


There is going to be a giant leap in Research and Development in all the fields of Science, Engineering and other related areas like Environmental studies, Artificial Intelligence and Space Research. In this digital era, the world requires scientists who can contribute by making fast, speedy and accurate research/studies for the growth of human kind. The highly capable future generation can be nurtured only by effective academic teaching. Vedic Math can help achieve these challenges. Today lot of our research work is on to learn and develop Vedic Math globally. The giant leap of Future, Social and Scientific advancement is possible if Vedic Math is learnt and used.